Saturday, May 8, 2010

Please let me go, Alejandro, just let me go!

Wednesday I decided to watch American Idol for one reason and one reason only (I'm still angry with America for booting off Siobhan as you can tell) and that reason is Lady GaGa! The Fierce Free Bitch (I created that by the way, aka "The FFB") was on singing/promoting her latest single from The Fame Monster - Alejandro. Alejandro is definitely one of my favorite songs from the album, the moment I heard the leaked version it became an instant favorite so you can only imagine my excitement seeing her perform live on tv! Anyhow, the performance was amazing as usual. It started off with the first few verses from Bad Romance which then turned into the main song that was Alejandro. The set was pretty interesting, lots of scary sharp black looking things with Gothic trees and angel statue featured in the center. While Lady GaGa is my favorite artist I'll admit she's not the greatest singer and that becomes noticable when she's moving around on stage. She's definitely no Beyonce or XXXTina who are known for their incredible singing ability. I'm not knocking GaGa's vocals, she's still a pretty good singer and you can tell she is when she was at the piano singing Bad Romance. I just think she needs a little more work on her singing while dancing around. Regardless of the mediocre vocal during the main performance, she still gave a pretty damn good show, but of course she did, she's Lady GaGa! Fox actually cut out a lot of live show that aired, so I'll be posting the uncut itunes version. Can you believe a whole 2 minutes was cut!? What was more upsetting was that most of what they cut was the begining part of Bad Romance where Gaga's vocals are the best! Anyway, here's this AWESOME performance of Lady GaGa's Alejandro. Enjoy!

By the way, I LOVE the part where she gets down on the floor at 2:57-3:10. There's just something totally sexy about rolling around on the floor... not sure what lol

1 comment:

  1. i like this song so mush
    we can be friend this is my emael :

    bi bye
